Create Your Life Program is the ultimate combination of therapy, self-help, and guided self-awareness towards self-empowerment!

Imagine each dream, desire, want, need, etc, as a seed of a dandelion puff, and you are allowed to breathe into the future your wishes and dreams literally.   You have choices and, ultimately, the choice to

Create a Life on Your Terms.

Not convinced?  Your choices do become your reality!   Look around you, at your life.  Your experiences and how you feel about them. Your relationships, career, finances, pleasure, health, and peace are the result of what you were taught to expect and the choices to conform to your past programming.   Your life is the result of your choices.   

Literally, Life is what you make of it, so What do you want your life to be?

But take heart—most of what you choose comes from what you were told to do, think, feel, and choose. Now, you can explore your Autopilot choices and make different ones aligned with the future you want to experience.

Ask yourself...."Do you want to let the winds of fate take you on a journey at its whim, or do you want to make a conscious choice and work with the wind?   To take control, you need to help yourself..

To heal pain, fears, and being stuck in challenging situations, relationships, workplaces, etc., we must take responsibility for our thoughts, beliefs, and stories that 'make it so'. 

Release the fears, limiting beliefs, stories, judgements, and expectations go so your dream seeds are planted in a good place, surrounded by others who are there for you, support and provide the space and shade to help you grow and live a life based on your choices.

Ultimately creating a life by choice.

The monthly membership fee gives you access to bi-monthly private sessions.

One Self-awareness session and One Strategy session.

You will be supported, challenged, cheered on and taught tools to support yourself way into the future.

A private group away from Facebook to share, encourage and be a witness to each other's growth.

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Whom am I? 

Self-awareness is the first step toward change. When we understand and appreciate why we do what we think, feel, do, say, interpret the world etc., we lift the veil and can rearrange the contents to suit our real preferences - who we choose to become to Create a Life of Choice, on Your Terms!

Learning about yourself, your beliefs, stories, fears, and what you expect of yourself and others allows you to heal your past pains and consciously choose who you want to be, and what you choose to experience.

4 modules over 4 weeks, and there is a waitlist for this program. 

ReclaimME! Individual Consultations

Working one on one consultations are powerful, individualised sessions flexible to meet your needs and supports required. 

Hypnotherapy, Guided meditations, and Talk therapy are available. 

ReclaimME! Transformation with Hypnotherapy & Guided Meditations

Deep dive into your subconscious's programming where the memories and pains are stored. During your hypnotherapy or guided meditation session you are heard, supported and prompted to explore the lesson, flip and re-write the script with a loving hand. You receive from your highest, loving self the message you need to move forward from a place of empowerment and freedom.  This is a comprehensive, 1 month program with several components included.

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ReclaimeME! Self-awareness with deep chats and exploration of the layers

Unlock your true self. Living a full life balances the mind, body and Soul. Remodel the lies we internalised that tell us how we 'should be, live our life and our status'—the type of person we are expected or allowed to become.

What do acceptable relationships feel and behave like? What do we feel is safe, regular and suitable? When we explore the lies, re-write them with love, stretch our comfort zone, and increase our self-love through compassion, life becomes a magical experience with more ease. It feels safer, happier, friendlier, connective and more open to possibility instead of closed in what has been

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