Create Your Life - The Ultimate Combination of Transformational and Healing Tools
Imagine each dream, desire, want, need etc, is a seed of this dandelion puff, and you can give it the best start as a new plant. Remember, dandelions are a powerfully healing herb.
Imagine, you have access to tools, support, and encouragement. You will be shown, taught and in space to release deeply hidden pain, fears, limiting stories, beliefs and expectations that keep you stuck. You are stuck in physical and emotional pain, challenging situations, relationships, workplaces etc.
Each of us has the responsibility and ability to train, and change our thoughts, beliefs and stories that 'make it so'.
When we accept responsibility, learn, practice and, make conscious efforts on what we focus on, make choices about how we show up in the experience we are Creating life on our terms.
Facing fears and the hidden saboteurs enables you to become more adventurous, playful and confident again, just like when you were younger.
Being fearless with wisdom is quite a combination!!
You have a choice, even if it doesn't feel like it.
You can choose to do nothing, and let the winds of fate take you on a journey at a whim, or you can choose to make conscious choices, work with the wind and release seeds filled with positive intent, power to grow on purpose and thrive against the elements surrounding you.
To do this, you need to help yourself..
Release the fears, limiting beliefs, stories, judgements, and expectations so your dream seeds are planted in a good place, surrounded by others who are there for you, support and provide the space and shade to help you grow and live a life based on your choices.
They are ultimately creating a life by choice.
This three (3) month membership gives you access to bi-monthly private sessions: one Self-awareness session and One Transformation session.
You will be supported, challenged, cheered on and taught tools to help yourself way into the future.
A private group space, off Facebook, to share, encourage and witness each other's growth.
What is included?
Over the three (3) months, you will have access to:
Support for you and your inner child with private self-awareness sessions.
Release yourself from the chains of fear, pain, unworthiness, deservedness etc.
Build your courage and confidence to shine.
Explore your life and where you want to live more, with passion, attention and on purpose
Feel greater love for yourself, and others!
Access your deepest self, the part interwoven with source, the Universe and God.
Tools and strategies taught and used
Weekly zoom sessions shine a light on your hurts, frustrations, confusions etc., you choose to shift and heal through.
There are a variety of tools at our disposal, and most are easy to learn which means you can use them any time of the day or night you need to make easy, and instantaneous shifts.