This workbook is a daily internal exploration.

Each day you are prompted to Account for your food, actions, and thoughts. Explore your triggers, reactions, feelings and memories that surface. Forgive, Delete and Transform your internal stories into loving truths that impact your life. What is the value of this? 

The more aware we are of what and why we do things, our responses/reactions to life, people and surprises we become empowered to make conscious choices based on our personal values and the person we choose to be!

The other steps include unlearning, forgiving ourselves for innocently taking on and living from painful experiences, and learning new ways of thinking, feeling and becoming. Is it a simple process?

In theory, yes. In reality, not so, but it is possible. Curiosity, patience and taking steps as practical along the way.

The Awareness and Accountability Journal is a tool you can use in your favour to achieve this.
Packed with weekly educational chapters, a weekly planner, and daily self-exploration, healing and expansive questions that guide you towards your truths, and growth.

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Weekly Content

Each week, you are guided through theory, self exploration and accountability. For example 

Self-discovery, awareness chapters and healing strategies. 

Greater our self-awareness, easier it is to choose differently. Each week there is either a mindset or psychological theory chapter that provides the background of what, why and how we do what we do as an adult.  

Each day, for 90 days, there are questions for you to consider.  

These questions deep dive into your thoughts, helping you take the shade off your stories and lies.

Weekly planner 

What we focus on, we increase.  With intentional focus on self-care, strengths and goals, staying the path becomes easier.

Life is about the journey, the flow through life, one step at a time. Sometimes we take detours, sometimes we slide down the mountain with an avalanche. Sometimes we just need to sit and take in the view, while other times we need to make a house to protect ourselves from the elements. No matter where you are in your moment of life, it is perfectly relevant. The highs, lows, twists and bends are all opportunity giving, to expand and re-learn our highest self - Love. To support you further in your journey, I would like to introduce you to what I do, if you are not already familiar.

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It is the same product, but a different way to view it.  $16.95