Leave the cage you've created

Get on top of your Hoarding.
Develop Positive Organisation Habits, Overcome Negative Beliefs and Anxiety About Letting things go, and Achieve a Future of Living  Freedom!

Feeling lost and overwhelmed about how much stuff you have?

This Hoarders Freedom Program is Designed For You If:

You don't know where to start 

Not knowing where to start can be paralysing and can trigger even more hoarding.  
Yet, the first step is to ask and accept help to support your through the process  

Have anxiety just thinking about cleaning out. 

Anxiety is a symptom, and an invitation to explore what is really going on.  Be curious as to why you accumulate so much stuff and the meaning you have given to the hoarding experience 

Your condition is isolating. 

Most feel deeply seated, isolating emotions such as shame, guilt, and fear, leading to wanting to hide and not feeling worthy.   

Hoarding disorder is when an individual struggles with giving up items and belongings (even those of little to no value).

The individual may become upset or anxious even at the idea of getting rid of an item because they feel a need to hang onto it. This can lead to an extreme build-up of items that aren’t needed or serve no purpose.

Hoarding may be related to relevant compulsions, including the urge to

* shop for items excessively,
* amass free items
* to seek out one-of-a-kind items.

Oftentimes, individuals with hoarding disorder may believe that the items they acquire are special or unique when they are, in reality, entirely commonplace.

Hoarding disorder can have a serious impact on the lives of individuals with the condition and his or her families. It can be detrimental to numerous aspects of the individual’s life, including Social life, Emotional health, Physical health, and Financial Health.

Hoarding may cause or be accompanied by extreme stress, anxiety, and/or depression. These conditions may be exacerbated if the hoarding disorder goes untreated.

 Hoarding Disorder.

Yes, it is a disorder! 

What's It Worth to Create Different Habits, Clean Your Space, Create Stability for Your Mental Health, Health for Your Family, and Remove Stress and Strain?

Here's what you'll learn 

The stories behind the need to keep collecting 

Hoarding sits within the mental health cluster and makes sense to unravel the emotional story that links the need for things to create a sense of safety and protection.  

Skills to witness yourself.

Self-awareness and compassionate self-enquiry are powerful tools for now and into the future.  Feel into the feelings, face them and support yourself through the transitions to wellness. 

Explore your ideals and your future

Clarity, and steps towards what is important to you, your family and what you are working towards.  Knowing your why,  what and how makes a huge difference during the process and into your future. 

Signs of Hoarding

Hoarding disorder often starts early in life.

It is associated with personality traits such as perfectionism, difficulty making decisions, and procrastination (delaying tasks until later, often by finding distractions).

Perfectionism in hoarding is associated with fear of making mistakes, losing or misplacing a specific item, and later regret.

Extreme difficulty with letting for of belongings 

Extreme distress & Anxiety when trying to get rid of items

Trouble deciding where to store items 

Trouble organising or decluttering items

Indecision, perfectionism and procrastination to organise items

Embarrassment or distress over the volume of things. 

Mistrust of other people touching their items

Obsessive thoughts & behaviours - accidentally throwing something away or running out of something. 

Purchasing or accumulating more items, even if there isn't enough space 

Other signs of hoarding can be seen in the individuals quality of life:

Cramped living space due to the amount of items in the area. 

Social isolation

Family tension and/or partner over the condition 

Financial impacts 

Health and Wellbeing risks

Someone with hoarding disorder

 They may accumulate anything, but common items include

broken items — for spare parts or to repair them,

car parts,
old bills,
magazines, books, and brochures.

Items inherited from a deceased estate may be especially problematic because the items are numerous, sentimental, and associated with grief and loss.

Animal hoarding

Animals can be hoarded too, especially small domestic ones, such as:

Animal hoarding can easily lead to squalor. Both animal food and animal waste easily accumulate. People in the house can be at risk of parasites and zoonotic diseases—diseases that can be caught by the animals. The person may believe they are caring for the animals, but in reality, they may not be doing this very well.

Complete the Hoarding Rating Scale 

Are you concerned you have hoarder tendencies?  

Click the link below and complete the short survey.


How we can help

Add a description here.

Individual Support 

We are trained in supporting individuals dive into the deeper reasons why we do what we do, feel and the habits we create to protect ourselves.  The Create Your Life is recommended to support you over time, so you have the time and space to explore, and heal the deeper issues driving the hoarders condition. 

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There are several free or low cost resources you can access to learn more about yourself, and explore the what and why of what is happening.  While not directly talking bout talking, they do focus on our beliefs, rules, expectations, fears and the stories we make up to help us cope with our world. 

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